High Resistance Vs Low Resistance Waveform

Kaysesoze senior member ecf veteran.
High resistance vs low resistance waveform. Apr 8 2012 virginia. Is electric motor load. Low resistance is the way to go. The ica origin incoporates the bulb which may create a degree of turbulent flow.
High resistance the waveform in the sma and ima are high resistance in the fasting patient with a rapid acceleration in systole and rapid deceleration in diastole. High resistance with narrower systolic peaks and decreased or absent diastolic flow scalp muscles and face have high resistance to flow normal doppler waveforms cca 70 80 of flow goes to the ica therefore more closely matches a low resistance vessel mix of ica and eca. Low resistance allows more current to flow and vice versa. Low pulsatility waveforms are also monophasic meaning that flow is always forward and the entire waveform is either above or below.
The carotid vertebral renal and celiac arteries all have low pulsatility waveforms in normal individuals because these vessels feed circulatory systems with low resistance to flow low peripheral resistance. It depends on the resistance level in that area if the soil have low resistance then they will use high impedance system and vice versa so reason behind this have to reduce fault current. B spectrum from the internal carotid artery displays a low resistance waveform with continuous forward diastolic flow and with a spectral line that ascends farther above the baseline than that from the external carotid artery. I just got my ego c and i m wondering whats the difference in the low vs high resistance atomizers.
The eca waveform is high resistance and may have retrograde flow in diastole. A temporal tap tt was employed here to confirm it was the eca. The ica will have low resistance flow with constant forward flow during diastole. Static load can be resistor heating coil etc.
It is nothing but opposition to the current flow. A spectrum from the external carotid artery shows a high resistance waveform with reversal of flow in early diastole. Dynamic load for e g. On correlative neuroimaging studies 19 of high resistant vertebral arteries were normal 39 had distal vertebrobasilar stenosis or occlusion and about 36 were congenitally diminutive.
Flow reversal is commonly seen in early diastole with little or no flow in end diastole. Patients with high resistant waveforms had a mean end diastolic velocity of 4 6 cm s vs 19 3 cm s in patients with low resistance waveforms p 001. Pinkhare may 24 2012 1.